How to Make Carrot Juice - Carrot Juice Recipes

carrot juice
Carrot juice has many health benefits. Benefits of carrot juice for health have been widely known. Carrot is popular vegetable that are ubiquitous and cheap. Why do not you try making your own carrot juice? If you do not know how to make carrot juice, here's a recipe to make carrot juice.

Carrot juice recipes suitable for you who have impaired vision or eye health, carrot juice are very tasty and vitamin, vitamin A found in carrots can you eat to make carrot juice.

The ingredients to make carrot juice are:
[][] 1 kg carrots
[][] 2 Orange Lemon Fruit
[][] 500 cc hot water

How to make carrot juice:
[] [] Wash clean carrots; remove the base of the green carrot.
[] [] Iris-sliced ​​carrots rather rough, put in blender, add a little water.
[] [] Blend until smooth
[] [] Pour into a (cast glass) is great, add 500 cc hot water, and stir.
[] [] Allow 30-minute dive.
[] [] Filter juice.
[] [] Pour into a glass of juice and serve with ice cubes.

That's some recipes to make carrot juice, May tips to make carrot juice you can try at home, so it's really a carrot juice, not pureed carrots.
How to Make Carrot Juice - Carrot Juice Recipes | Anonymous | 5